Saturday, March 30, 2013

T-Minus 8 Hours...

Well, the time has finally come and I will be boarding flight one of two at 6am! Surprisingly, I am not as anxious as I thought I was going to be. It is one of those moments where I really don't feel like I am going any where. Of course, I say that now but when I am landing in San Jose tomorrow afternoon and everything is in a different language and I am being ushered through the lines to customs I might feel differently... :)

Tonight was exactly what I needed though. I got all of my packing done relatively early and my Mom helped me clean up my apartment (thanks again by the way!) I spent a few hours this afternoon alone just getting my thoughts in order and making sure I had everything together...I was honestly wanting to be alone because I wanted it to hit me that oh, I don't know I was making a huge change and moving out of the country for six weeks! Nothing happened though...I felt more at peace then I have for the past week or so and I think it is because I know that I have made the right decision to go and volunteer for a short time and put myself out of my comfort zone. It all sounds so cliche but regardless I am happy that I have been calm about this anticipated trip rather then having a panic attack over it. I know some people reading this might beg to differ about the levels of anxiety I have displayed over the last week or two but...hey, you are just not human of you don't panic a little about something like this!

I am so excited to see where I am going to be living and what kind of people I am going to be meeting these next few weeks. I made a promise to myself that if I did do this that I would go out and experience it to the fullest. I feel like this trip is one of those times where you have to tell yourself "you can sleep when you're dead!" Six weeks in retrospect is such a short period of time to emerse in another culture so I want every thing I can out of it.

So with that said....


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Can't believe your adventure has begun! I agree -- to out and try everything, do everything, and enjoy it to the max! What experiences you will have to remember and tell about.

    I miss you already --- xo
    See you in 6 weeks!

